Why book with Nowlun?
Because we understand that you deserve a hassle-free shipping experience, we’ve built a tailored logistics solutions for the ME. We commit to move your shipment worldwide. We offer the best instant freight rates from over 30 shipping lines to let you choose the best offer, without endless emails and phone calls. We provide additional services like customs clearance and inland trucking. Select the best option and let our team do the rest. Easily track and manage your shipments using our comprehensive dashboard with a notifications system. At Nowlun, we provide a data-driven, efficient, and tailored shipping experience for you.
Can I know the total cost of shipping before booking?
Yes, you see what you pay, the total amount you’ll get that’s the only thing you’ll pay, and you can also see the breakdown of that price (ex: THC, surcharge, service fee …etc.)
What happens after we click book?
We just ask you to upload your shipping declaration and a few necessary details, don’t worry if you can’t fill in certain info, your dedicated account manager will contact you to ensure you have the smoothest process. Once we have all the details we’ll secure you the space and the equipment needed. Then, you can finally forget about your shipment, we’ll share with you live notifications to update you with your shipment status until it arrives safely at its destination.